世青線上商機展演 Ep.5 講者介紹

世青線上商機展演 Ep.5 講者介紹
世青線上商機展演 Ep.5 講者介紹
世青線上商機展演 Ep.5 講者介紹
世青線上商機展演 Ep.5 講者介紹

WTCCJC Member Showcase is a program where members sign up and use 15 mins to share with us their industry, business, or products. The goal is to get members to know each other better and have more business collaborations.
We just had our 5th member showcase where 4 amazing speakers shared about their business.
林敬倫 Peter Ching-Lun Lin
高曼 Gamma Paradigm Group - 北美洲 美國 USA
”八年磨一劍的資產管理金融科技: 回顧與展望“
游惟涵 Weihan YU
GRAPHBOX - 歐洲 法國 France
“動畫宣傳為企業服務 Computer Graphics In Service of Enterprises“
陳千懿 Emma Chen
寶發柚木傢俱 亞洲 印尼 Indonesia
“柚木家具: 不僅是傳產的生產與銷售“
戴鳳儀 Fengi Tai
COX Analytical Systems - 歐洲 瑞典 Sweden
#WTCCJC #Membershowcase #businessnetwork #wtccjc11th